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Microsoft Power BI-based training, consulting and mentoring offered by R&R Software

Microsoft Power BI Premium is now available as a user-based service

Since the release of Microsoft Power BI in 2015, it has become an essential data management and decision-making application for many companies. With Power BI, data can be easily accessed and reviewed, modeled, and visualized reports can be created. Power BI supports data-driven decision making; provide fast, artificial intelligence-driven answers to business issues. The Power BI application is currently available to users in three different packages:

  • License-free Power BI Desktop for complete custom query and data analysis functionality, with limited cloud usage, but without teamwork functions
  • Power BI Pro package can be used to create a data-driven culture that covers the entire operation of companies. It supports the sharing of results between users and groups who can work together on interactive data visualizations
  • The Power BI Premium package was designed primarily to meet the needs of large enterprises. Over the years, the Premium package has been expanded with a number of additional services that would have benefited SMEs as well, but enterprise pricing has not allowed them to be used in this area. Power BI Premium will also be available as a user-based solution in trial operation from November 2020, giving SMEs the opportunity to use the additional services of the Premium package at an affordable price


Power BI Premium provides many capabilities that can increase the efficiency of companies, such as:

  • Significant data set growth: inventory size can be increased up to 10 GB
  • The maximum number of automatic updates per day can be increased up to 48
  • The possibility to publish and use multi-page reports: documents with a fixed layout, eg. for printing and archiving.
  • Higher levels of data visualization and result-retrieval capabilities become available, such as artificial intelligence-based analytics (AutoML, Impact Analysis, Cognitive Services, Azure Machine Learning)
  • Advanced DataFlow services can be available (Direct Query)
  • Based on previous uses, the system will be able to optimize aggregations (Usage-based aggregate optimization)
  • Advanced automatic page refresh function
  • Dataset connection to XMLA endpoint

R&R Software’s Business Analytics team has been involved in the design and implementation of many data warehousing, data market and reporting system projects based on Microsoft Power BI. The portfolio is completed with a full range of Power BI training, consulting and mentoring.